Welcome to an experiment in blogging

This is a new experience for me and it's not something I was very likely to do! A good friend of mine decided to begin a blog of her own to give her a chance to write and write with something of a focus....golf! We belong to the Western New Mexico Lunatic Fringe Golf Association, where our rules most definitely differ from most. My friend's blog chronicles our exploits on the golf course and often the writing has at least something to do with the game of golf.

During a frantic period of holiday baking, I had an intense need to write. I had hundreds of cookies to bake in one day but I actually took the time to write about the cookies I was baking. They were from a recipe given to me by a coworker almost 40 years ago and when I realized how long this recipe had been used, year after year for forty years, I was stunned. I decided to use the blog format to chronicle my entry into late middle age, a state of age I'd been in denial about before this.

So here it is, my blog, my life. It's nothing exceptional, so if you're limited on time, move along. I'll be using the blog to work on my writing ability while trying to express my feelings about being where I am right now.

Christmas on Windsor St.

Christmas on Windsor St.
Here she is! Mom & me!

baby, oh baby

baby, oh baby
early family life...where's mom?

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winter, winter, go away

Winter, winter, go away, all the golfers want to play......

After skiing yesterday, a friend and I played golf today at our favorite course, Civitan, in Farmington. What a great day - sunshine, a cool breeze, and lots of citizens on the course, playing nice together. We did as well as we usually do - and that's variable - but had a great time, par for the course!

The winter seemed unending, especially with snow storm after snow storm hitting us here in the Four Corners. Of course the weather we received can in no way compare to the rest of the country and what they experience each and every winter. However, we are a bit spoiled. When it snows, it melts - rather quickly. We can drive, we can tool around town, and NO shoveling usually occurs! This winter was a little different in terms of shoveling and my aching back knows it. We'll have lots of water coming our way this spring and summer, an unbelievable plus for us in the high desert.

Last week saw Golf I starting again, the sixth time, at least, for me. Our new instructor is Ryan, a young man going pro this year. He has many helpful suggestions and is very polite and soft spoken. We were on the driving range at Riverview Golf Course in Kirtland for Thursday's class and Ryan gave me more of a clue about how to aim the ball. I practiced his tips today and actually saw my golf ball go where I intended quite a few times - remarkable!

More to come in the weeks ahead - golf, hiking, and best of all - Spring!